Is AI Going to Take Over Tech Programming Jobs?

As technology keeps getting smarter, a big question on everyone’s mind is whether artificial intelligence (AI) will start doing the job of tech programmers. Let’s take a closer look at this and what current software developers can do to stay on top of things.

Will AI Replace Tech Programmers?

While AI has come a long way, it’s unlikely to completely kick human programmers to the curb in the next five years. Programming isn’t just about writing lines of code; it’s about problem-solving, creativity, and understanding complex stuff. Sure, AI can help with some tasks like writing code and spotting bugs, but it’s not quite ready to take over the whole show.

What Should Software Developers Do to Get Ready?

  1. Make Friends with AI: Instead of worrying about AI stealing their thunder, software developers can see it as a buddy that helps them work better. Learning how to use AI tools can speed things up and free up time for more interesting tasks.
  2. Brush Up on People Skills: Tech skills are important, but so are people skills like teamwork and communication. These are things AI can’t do, so they’re worth polishing up on.
  3. Keep Up with the Times: The tech world moves fast, with new stuff popping up all the time. Software developers should stay in the loop with what’s hot and keep learning to stay sharp.
  4. Find Your Niche: While AI can do a lot, there will always be a need for experts in certain areas. By specializing in something you’re passionate about, you’ll stay valuable.
  5. Keep Learning: The best way to stay ahead of the game is to keep learning. Whether it’s taking a course or picking up a new skill, staying curious will pay off in the long run.

In a Nutshell

AI might be getting smarter, but it’s not about to push tech programmers out of a job just yet. By teaming up with AI, sharpening people skills, staying up-to-date, finding a niche, and never stopping learning, software developers can keep on thriving in the ever-changing world of tech. For the time being, I tend to think of AI as a friend that can help you get your job done better and faster.

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This article aims to advise software developers navigating AI and programming. While the future is uncertain, staying adaptable and open to learning will always be key.

Unlocking Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): A Simple Guide

In online security, protecting your digital identity is crucial. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a powerful tool for keeping your accounts safe from unauthorized access. This posting breaks down 2FA, looking at its methods, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Understanding Two-Factor Authentication

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2FA adds an extra layer of security to the traditional username-password setup. Instead of just using a password, 2FA requires another way to confirm your identity, like using your phone or a fingerprint. By requiring two different methods to log in, 2FA makes it harder for hackers to get into your accounts, even if they know your password.

Exploring 2FA Methods

  1. SMS Authentication:
    • Pros: Easy to use, as it sends a code to your phone.
    • Cons: Vulnerable to attacks where someone else takes control of your phone number.
  2. Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP):
    • Pros: Adds an extra layer of security by generating a unique code that changes over time.
    • Cons: Relies on having a device with the right software to generate the codes.
  3. Push Notifications:
    • Pros: Convenient, as it sends a notification to your device for approval.
    • Cons: Prone to phishing attacks, where someone tricks you into approving access.
  4. Biometric Authentication:
    • Pros: Convenient and secure, using things like your fingerprint or face to confirm your identity.
    • Cons: Can be risky if someone steals or copies your biometric data.
  5. Hardware Tokens:
    • Pros: Provides offline authentication, reducing the need for an internet connection.
    • Cons: Can be expensive and challenging to manage.

Choosing the Right 2FA Method

The best method for you depends on your preferences and security needs. While SMS authentication is straightforward, more security-conscious users might prefer methods like TOTP or biometric authentication.

Best Practices for Implementing 2FA

  • Educate yourself and others about the importance of 2FA.
  • Use 2FA on all your accounts whenever possible.
  • Keep your 2FA settings up to date and review them regularly.
  • Be cautious of phishing attempts and always verify requests for authentication.

In Conclusion

Two-Factor Authentication is essential for helping you protect your online accounts from unauthorized access. By understanding the different methods and following best practices, you can enhance your digital security and keep your information safe.

Stay vigilant, stay secure, and make the most of 2FA to protect your digital identity.


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Protect Your Online Security: The Risks of Reusing Passwords and Weak Passwords, Plus Top Password Manager Recommendations

In today’s digital world, keeping your online accounts secure is essential to safeguarding your personal information and digital identity. With over 1 Billion records exposed in various breaches, doing everything you can to keep your information as private as possible is critical.

Let’s try to avoid getting hacked!

However, there are common pitfalls that put individuals at risk: using the same password for multiple accounts and using weak passwords.

Let’s explore the dangers of these pitfalls:

(1) Using a Single Password for All Accounts:

Heightened Risk of Account Compromise: Reusing the same password across multiple accounts increases the chances of a security breach. If one account is compromised, hackers can access all other accounts using the same password, leading to potential identity theft or financial loss.

Vulnerability to Credential Stuffing: Cybercriminals exploit password reuse through credential stuffing attacks. Once they obtain login credentials from one breached account, they attempt to use the same credentials on other websites, exploiting the practice of password reuse.

Limited Protection Against Data Breaches: Data breaches are common, and passwords leaked from one breach can be used to access other accounts if the same password is reused. Using unique passwords for each account is crucial to minimizing the impact of data breaches.

(2) Using Weak Passwords:

Prone to Guessing: Weak passwords, like “password123” or common dictionary words, are easily guessed by attackers using automated tools. These passwords offer minimal protection against brute-force attacks. Try doing a search for the last year’s top worst 200 passwords. Sadly, this list is nearly identical from year to year! If you have a password that is similar to any of these, you really do not have a password at all.

Some examples of commonly used weak (non-) passwords that have been problematic for years due to their lack of complexity and susceptibility to being guessed or cracked easily:

  • 123456
  • password
  • qwerty
  • abc123
  • iloveyou
  • admin
  • welcome
  • letmein
  • 123456789
  • football
  • Password1

Susceptible to Dictionary Attacks: Attackers can use dictionaries of commonly used passwords or words found in literature, movies, or online forums to guess weak passwords. With readily available information online, it’s relatively simple for attackers to crack weak passwords.

Easy Targets for Phishing: Weak passwords often contain easily memorable phrases or personal information, making users more susceptible to phishing attacks. Attackers can exploit this information to trick individuals into divulging their login credentials.

To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial to practice good password hygiene and use a reliable password manager.

Below are two highly recommended password managers from reviews online.

1Password: 1Password is praised for its simplicity and robust encryption. It provides secure password storage, item organization, and integrates well with various platforms and browsers. Additional features include secure password sharing and a travel mode for enhanced protection.

Bitwarden: Emphasizing privacy and open-source software, Bitwarden offers end-to-end encryption and supports two-factor authentication. It’s highly customizable, allowing users to self-host their password vaults for maximum control over their data. Bitwarden also offers a free version which may be more than enough for most users.

The general consensus is to create a unique strong password (as long as a site allows) that you cannot remember (an indication of its strength) for every site you visit or for account you have.

By prioritizing password security and leveraging reputable password manager solutions like LastPass, 1Password, or Bitwarden, you can enhance your online security and protect your digital identity more effectively.

Things not discussed in this posting

After having written the posting above, Passwords may be (finally) on their way out! There have been so many strategies over the years to help people have and use safer passwords for basic password security.

Unfortunately, when the average user might have well over 100 sites or log-ins for which they need to manage passwords, without a Password Manager password reuse and weak passwords are common problems. Technologies like Passkeys may eventually replace passwords entirely.

Tom’s Guide Article on Passkeys

Today, there are sites that, even if you use a very strong password, they still force you to change the password on their site every so many months. Using current technology, using a strong password could take a hacker, using brute force methods, more years to crack then there are stars in the universe. (See our other posting on this calculation. )

Additionally, there are sites that still limit you to, say, 20 password characters or further restrict what characters you can enter. All these restrictions are ridiculous and point to no standards or oversight.

The bottom line, unfortunately, is we have no idea how a site handles our password. Is it hashed? Is it stored in clear text?

Using 2FA was also not discussed here as there are several 2FA types deserving their own posting. Each of these 2FA types has their own advantages and (security) disadvantages. In general, however, 2FA is a good idea for any site you can use it with, but be sure you understand the limitations and possible security implications (SMS 2FA vs hardware key, for example).

Stay tuned for further postings on these topics!