In this fast-paced Java class, you’ll be introduced to the following concepts:
Basic data types
Control Structures
Introduction to OOP
Methods and Classes
Object Oriented Concepts
–Information Hiding
–Code reuse
Regular (pre Java 8 interfaces) and Java 8 Interface enhancements that allow default and static methods in Interface definitions
Collection Classes (using Lambdas to navigate, included)
Threading concepts (method synchronization and synchronized code blocks, discussion of more advanced techniques also included)
Exception Handling (including Java 7’s “try with resources” construct)
–Java 8 – Lambdas and the new Stream API (imperative vs. declarative programming discussed)
–Java 8 – The new DateTime API
–Java 8 – Other cool new things (String.join and StringJoiner class, other)
(Later Java versions also discussed.)
HTML and Submitting forms (POST & GET)
Intro to database connectivity using JDBC (with some SQL introduction)
How to setup an application server (Tomcat setup demonstrated)
Creating a first Servlet and discussion of web applications in general (webapps folder, WAR files, etc.)
Which IDE should you use? (we’ll discuss several)
This course will use examples throughout. The student will have several labs to complete as the course progresses.
Any class examples with any other useful files will be put on a special class Website URL so you can download them!
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