MySQL Database Programming

MySQL is an advanced database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL Server. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management systems play a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities or as parts of other applications.

This course is for web designers, database or web programmers who need to store data on the server, or for those interested in learning about server-side database environments.

In this class, you’ll learn how to use this very cool open source, and very powerful, database server.

MySQL is a database server like SQL Server and Oracle.

MySQL can…

–Develop .NET applications
–Develop Java and J2EE applications
–Develop Visual Basic applications with ODBC, ADO
–Develop Perl applications

In this class, we’ll focus on Java’s approach of accessing MySQL data with the native Type IV JDBC driver. Time permitting, we’ll also use the ODBC driver to access MySQL data from a Microsoft product like VB.NET (to be announced).

Because MySQL runs under Linux and under Windows, MySQL is the ideal choice for many Websites. Unlike other client-side database management systems you may have used, like Microsoft Access, MySQL runs on the server not on the user workstation. You’ll learn the techniques needed to access and use this server data.

In this class, we’ll use SQL to SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE records. We will also cover joins between tables including inner joins, and outer joins. You will also learn about sub-queries.

We’ll also work with ResultSets, as well as how to set up the free Tomcat Application Server. We’ll also take a look at an extremely cool MySQL front end database builder. You’ll see how to set up users, how to do joins between tables (for example, SELECT all orders for a particular customer), and learn about lots about MySQL’s capabilities.

We’ll also create stored procedures and stored functions (new to MySQL 5). We’ll also discuss some of the cool new features in MySQL 8.

Other advanced topics, like row-level replication, may be discussed.

We’ll discuss the best free (and inexpensive) tools to administer MySQL.

You’ll create a server database and test various SQL commands using a server programming language such as Java Server Pages or PHP.

Any class examples with any other useful files will be put on a special class Website so you can download them!


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