Databases – Conceptual Introduction

– Thinking about databases:      – This introductory, but fast-moving, class is a non-programming conceptual introduction to databases. The course length is typically about four hours.. This course discusses  the “what” and the “why” questions, where later courses focus on the “how” (to create database applications) and then specific techniques.

This class uses a cross-platform (Mac/Windows/iOS/iPad/Browser) database platform for examples.

* What is a database?
* Why use databases?
* What are databases good for?
* Why take the time to learn a database system?
* Database Fundamentals — How do I get started?
* A Very Simple Example – Pets owned by people
* Data vs Information
* How is a database different than, say, an Excel spreadsheet?
* Do you need a Database or maybe just a Notes application?
* Be prepared for that learning curve….
* Case Studies (14 case studies in actual class to pick from)
*          Intelligent marketing (don’t waste time/money mailing to everyone)
*          Knowing your customers (have a database with customer information for your office staff)
*          How do those car dealerships know when it’s time for you to “buy a car” or “get maintenance”?
                (Hint: They have data about YOU!)
*          Creating a “We Miss You!” mailing for customers you haven’t seen in a while
*          Creating a checkbook database
               (eliminate paper checkbook, easy reconcile, graph expenses by category, etc.)
* Examples of Database Systems
* Where do you go from here?


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